Tree of projects
There are currently various projects ongoing on and around the farms Friskeröd or Surtung. Is there something you would like to be involved in? Contact us at info@friendsofmio.com
Projects in process

Restoration of waterways
We have sought support from the municipality to do a preliminary study on the restoration of the waterways at Surtungm in order to biodiversity.
This project will begin in 2025.
Rewetting agreement with the Norwegian Forestry Agency
By rewetting former wetland areas, recent research has demonstrated an unexpectedly large opportunity for sequestering carbon dioxide.
We have applied for funding to be able to implement this project in 2025.
Outfield grazing
Clear requests to extend the pasture to the mountain and the forest have been received. The aim is to increase biological diversity by reintroducing large grazing animals to the land.
We need both practical help and donations to set up provocative grazing foals in the outback around Surtung.
Hay meadow
There are two hay meadow areas, the first is up by Siljebråtarna (Surtung 1:6) and the area around houses and barns. These have not been managed as hay meadows since Sigvard's father's time. Back then, it was always customary to cut the garden with a scythe just after Midsummer. He then let his work horse graze there. Now we are resuming that tradition, which also benefits biodiversity.
We need to collect money to be able to buy our own mower beam to be able to mow smaller areas.
We are looking for people who know how to hit with a scythe. Could it be you? We would like to get in touch with anyone with knowledge of hay meadows.