Friends of Mio
The non-profit association Friends of Mio was founded with the purpose of creating a place where land, plants, trees, mountains, water, animals, and humans can meet in a non-hierarchical way.
Friends of Mio supports the Friskeröd farm; one of Scandinavia's largest sanctuaries for horses and other animals. About 200 animals live there for the rest of their lives under the most natural conditions possible. Most of these animals would have otherwise been euthanized.
Together, we have made the impossible possible - people from all over the world have collectively raised nearly 10 million SEK to purchase the Surtung farm, with the largest pastures. As of October 2, 2023, the land and its inhabitants have self-owned status. We are working to establish this in the form of a foundation.
Now the next chapter begins. We are listening to individuals of all conceivable species and the place as a whole to understand what we humans can contribute to promote biodiversity and realize the empathetic space. A tree of projects is being built to respond to this longing. You can read about the projects by clicking here. If you want to contribute in any way, please contact info@friendsofmio.com.
At Surtung, it is possible to rent a bed or parts of the old residential house for a course venue. Book your bed here. During course weekends, Emelie Cajsdotter allocates beds due to high demand. As a student, contact her.
You can read more about the work going on at Friskeröd and Surtung by reading the texts and listening to Emelie's podcast "It Sings in the Grass" as well as the podcasts where Emelie is interviewed. Go to the Library, where everything is collected.
Right now at Surtung
Here you can take part in what happens in addition to the daily farm work.

Hay sponsor
As a Hay Sponsor, you support all the animals at Friskeröd and Surtung by contributing to the shared feed bill. You donate an optional amount every month, quarter, or year, whatever suits you best. All the donations goes entirely to hay and other basic needs for the animals.
As a Hay Sponsor, you automatically become a member of the non-profit association Friends of Mio and will receive a monthly newsletter in the form of the "Hay Sponsor Letter."
Warwick Schiller summit 2024
Birmingham 1-4 August 2024
Paso Robles October 24-28 2024
Warwick Schiller invites selected podcast guests to talks and panel discussions in front of audiences and online.
Emelie Cajsdotter participated in the podcast Journey on in the spring of 2023.
All the king's horses
Emelie has written several books, of which All the King's Horses is the one requested by many.
We have had some copies of the book in English, but they are unfortunately sold out at the moment. However, you can get a copy if you buy the book from this place:

We are greatful for every single donation being made.
If you would like to make a transaction to our bank account, please use the following information:
IBAN: SE7950000000051561023868, BIC: ESSESESS Address bank: SEB 106 40 STOCKHOLM, SWEDEN
Thank you - you make a difference for a lot of individuals.
IBAN: SE7950000000051561023868, BIC: ESSESESS
Land - Animal - Human
Somehow, it is often hard to find the right question. Unless someone reminds you. In this case it was a rather new acquaintance who put the question forth; what is the horses' vision of the foundation?

One of Scandinavia's largest sanctuaries for horses & other animals
The animal sanctuary at Friskeröd was founded in 1995 and since its inception has specialized in taking care of animals suffering from post-traumatic stress. Then to a small extent with a few individuals on the farm Friskeröd, the home of Emelie Cajsdotter. Over the years, the number of animals that needed a lifelong home with space for healing has gradually increased, and with it the need for more pasture and more volunteer efforts.