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Next step

In order for us to be able to create and maintain a place through a foundation, there must first be property, capital or real estate, to donate to the foundation. Therefore, this journey begins with a new non-profit association with the aim of collecting and then donating the property to the foundation. ​


The non-profit association is registered with the Swedish Tax Agency. We can recieve donations to our bank account and to our fundraising page at PayPal. Payment information: IBAN: SE7950000000051561023868, BIC: ESSESESS Address bank: SEB 106 40 STOCKHOLM, SWEDEN.  â€‹


We know that there are many people who are curious and want to be able to contribute. Therefore, we let this page be the information channel until further notice.

Coming up


October 2nd - Getting access to the farm i Fossum

Contact the non-profit association Friends of Mio

Do you want to contribute? Please, let us know!

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